Bain Marie

A Staybrite Bain Marie is the ideal appliance for keeping large batches of food warm, ready for plating or service. Designed to provide a reliable, consistent heat, bains-marie aren’t designed to cook – they gently warm food, keeping it at a precise temperature suited to your menu.

Available in either wet heat or dry heat versions, bains-marie are great for front or back-of-house use and allow you to keep food warm for extended periods , thereby reducing waste and improving hygiene. As they usually hold food in gastronorm pans, you can configure the food according to the meal service, whilst swapping out pans which are running low.

Staybrite bain-maries are bespoke and can be supplied in mobile or fixed versions in any tray configuration. Options such as sneeze guards heat lamps and tray races can be supplied to suit your requirements.


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