Extract & Air Input Hoods

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    Grease, smoke, and cooking odors can quickly fill a commercial kitchen, making proper ventilation essential. Staybrite’s extract and air input hoods actively purify the air by replacing and supplying fresh air through the canopy. This system creates an air-curtain effect, delivering a refreshing blast of cool air to kitchen staff while reducing the impact of radiant heat.

    Designed for both electric and gas appliances, our extract and air input hoods adapt to any commercial kitchen setup.

    Extract and Make-Up Air Canopy Options
    Canopy Front Face Discharge – The standard method for introducing replacement air into the kitchen.
    Induction Supply Air – Injects a jet of ambient air through a slot inside the canopy, parallel to the extract plenum.
    Perimeter Supply Air – Forms an air curtain that cools kitchen staff while creating a barrier against rising thermal currents.
    Custom Configurations – Any combination of these features can be integrated into a canopy to suit your kitchen’s needs.

    Efficient & Compliant Ventilation
    Our low-velocity ventilation and extraction systems meet British DW172 standards and comply with NZBC G4/AS1, B2, and H1 as an approved engineered alternative solution. Staybrite’s custom Low Velocity canopies reduce airflow for lower energy consumption while offering greater design flexibility.

    Manufactured under license from CK Direct (UK), our canopies deliver superior performance and reliability.