Health Sciences

Bespoke Stainless Products for Heathcare

Stainless steel is the icon of cleanliness in laboratories and hospitals. Staybrite Stainless Fabricators have built a solid reputation as a leading supplier of bespoke stainless-steel products for the healthcare industry in New Zealand. Our healthcare products include:

Stainless Steel Benching: DTUR – Dirty Utility Room Benches, Sluice Sink Benches, Plaster sinks, Laboratory benches, Decontamination Benches, Cleanroom Benches, Stainless Lift Benches, Surgical Preparation Benches, Work Benches

Specialist Healthcare Products: Bedpan Racks, Boot Racks, Lead Apron Racks, Pass Through Cabinets, Surgical wash Troughs and Surgical Trollies

Stainless Steel Wall Protection:  Stainless steel wall protection and easy to clean which makes it ideal for corridors and hallways, ICU & emergency rooms and Dirty Utility Rooms

Surgical Wash Troughs: Wall Mount & Floor Standing